JIBS Toolbars

Screen Shot


Save Saves the currently displayed pictures with any changes made by Left, Right, Shrink, or Grow. The auto-resizing has no effect on the saved image.
Save As Saves a copy of the file under a new name.
Rename Brings up a dialog box to change the file name of the currently displayed picture.
Undo Undoes moves. If you change the directory you are viewing, undo is cleared.
Redo Undoes Undo.
Prior Directory Similar to Back in a browser. If you have selected more than one directory from the Tree, this will take you back to the last directory you looked at. Most useful for previewing a directory to see if it is the one you want to move the picture to.
Next Directory Similar to Forward in a browser. If you used Prior Directory, this will take you forward to the directory you were looking at when you hit back. Most useful for previewing a directory to see if it is the one you want to move the picture to.
Refresh Causes the currently displayed directory to be reloaded from disk. Usefull when you have modified the directory contents outside of JIBS.
Rotate Left, Rotate Right Rotates the picture ±90° and activates the Save button. You need to hit the Save button if you want to save the rotated picture. If auto-resize is in effect (the background is red), the image will be saved at its actual original size adjusted by Shrink or Grow, not the displayed size. Remember, if the background is black, the display size and the actual size are the same.
Full Screen Show the application full screen. Once in full sceen mode, pressing the escape key will bring JIBS back to it regular size. You can also right click to exit or start the slide show.
Comic Book Full screen display with small picture of full page on left and wide version of document on right.
Full Screen Show Same a Full Screen except the pictures will advance automatically. Rate of advance can be changed in the settings.
Show Pictures will advance automatically. Rate of advance can be changed in the settings.
Secondary Monitor Same as Full Screen and Full Screen Show, except the full screen will be shown on the other monitor.
# Selected Number of items currently selected.
Unselect Turns off the current selection.
Resize Switch to Resize View.
Thumbnails Switch to Thumbnail View.
Group Switch to Group View.
Magnifier Toggles a magnifier in the lower right hand corner. Just move the mouse over the picture and the part under the mouse is magnified.
Zoom Indicator If you are viewing a single picture with the "Grow or Shrink to Fit" option selected, the picture will always fill up the display. This will tell you if the picture had to grow (pink background) or shrink to fit (green background). If the picture has not changed size, you get black background.
Backward/Forward Standards controls for moving through the list of pictures.
Trash Move the current picture to your designed trash directory. To set this directory (and turn the button on), use the Setting Dialog (on the menu, View Settings).
Park Move the current picture to your designated park directory. To set this directory (and turn the button on), use the Setting Dialog (on the menu, View Settings).
Repeat Move the current picture to the last directory you moved a picture to. The Repeat directory is reset whenever you drop a file onto the tree and is listed just above the tree.
Recent Brings up a list of recent moves so you can pick directory for this move.
About Tells you about JIBS with the version number.
Help Brings up a help screen.